
Community Groups

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Join a community group!

This is a great way to build relationships, study God’s Word, and share meals with others at Southlands Santa Ana. These groups will help guide you as you dive into the word whether you have studied scripture for years or you are just getting started. Groups meet one to two hours per week in several locations around central Orange County. Please find a time and location below that works best for you and contact us to join!


These are our current community groups, days and times. Please find one that works for your schedule. We would love to have you join us!
Fill out the connect form or reach out to the leader directly for more details and home address.

Jon + Kimi Marshall

Santa Ana
Sundays | 12:00-2:00pm

Sam + Angie Lee

Santa Ana
co-lead with Marshalls

Ben + Nicole Fortune

Costa Mesa
Thursdays | 6:30pm
Text: 657-203-4044

Lisa Flanagan

Garden Grove
Wednesdays | 6:00-7:30pm
Text: 714-474-8387

David + Donna Toberty

1st + 3rd Wednesdays each month | 6:30pm
Text: 949-836-6773

Jay + Suzanne Marshall

co-lead with Tobertys

Andrew Burdick + Griffin Douglass

Thursday | 6:00pm
Text: 805-314-4889

Nick + Nikki Plunkett

Huntington Beach
Wednesday | 6:00pm
Text: 949-322-7632