We are so glad you are here.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome.
We are an informal and friendly church who accepts people as they are. There is no need to dress up unless it makes you feel more comfortable. We know a church can be an intimidating place to visit. Don’t worry, you won’t be singled out. Our desire is that while visiting with us you will experience the hope, love, and joy that comes from a community of people who love Jesus.
Finding a church home can be tough, especially if you only visit once or twice. Therefore, we encourage you to Stick6! Stick around for six weeks, and by then you will know if Southlands Santa Ana is the right place for you.
Finding a church home can be tough, especially if you only visit once or twice. Therefore, we encourage you to Stick6! Stick around for six weeks, and by then you will know if Southlands Santa Ana is the right place for you.
Sunday Mornings
Prayer at 8:45-9:00am
Join us any week before service to pray and connect. You'll also have plenty of time to pour your coffee or grab a snack while meeting some new faces.
Service at 9:30am
We meet at Advanced Learning Academy
408 E. Santa Clara Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92705
408 E. Santa Clara Ave.
Santa Ana, CA 92705

What are Sundays like?
We Sing… We begin our gatherings with worship through music. We sing about Jesus, who he is and what he has done for us.
We Listen… Jesus is the only one who can changes lives, so he is the center of all of our sermons. Many times we preach through the text verse by verse, and occasionally we will focus on a specific subject found in the Bible.
We Connect… We believe that God has called us to more than just meetings. We are a community that seeks to follow Jesus together. After every Sunday we hang for coffee and conversation in the common areas and get to know one another better.
Will I be pressured to give money?
No. Giving is something for members of Southlands and regular attendees. It is for those who have chosen Southlands as their church home and have made the mission of Southlands their mission.
How do I get connected?
Join a Community Group: Throughout the week, we gather in small groups in homes to do life together. We often discuss Sunday’s sermon, pray for each other and dream of ways to serve the city all while having fun. There’s probably no better way of getting connected at Southlands than joining a Community Group!
Join a Serve Team: Sunday mornings at Southlands give people an opportunity to meet with God. It would not be possible without our amazing team of volunteers who share their time and talents with us every week. Joining a serve team is also a great opportunity to get to know others better, build relationships, and grow in your faith.
Do you offer anything for kids?
Yes! Southlands Kids is for children from infants to 6th grade every Sunday morning.
We also host our Backyard Bible Club VBS every summer!
What about youth?
Yes again! Our Southlands Youth (7th-12th grade) meets every Thursday night at 6:30, at Southlands Brea located at 2950 E. Imperial Hwy, Brea 92821.
We Sing… We begin our gatherings with worship through music. We sing about Jesus, who he is and what he has done for us.
We Listen… Jesus is the only one who can changes lives, so he is the center of all of our sermons. Many times we preach through the text verse by verse, and occasionally we will focus on a specific subject found in the Bible.
We Connect… We believe that God has called us to more than just meetings. We are a community that seeks to follow Jesus together. After every Sunday we hang for coffee and conversation in the common areas and get to know one another better.
Will I be pressured to give money?
No. Giving is something for members of Southlands and regular attendees. It is for those who have chosen Southlands as their church home and have made the mission of Southlands their mission.
How do I get connected?
Join a Community Group: Throughout the week, we gather in small groups in homes to do life together. We often discuss Sunday’s sermon, pray for each other and dream of ways to serve the city all while having fun. There’s probably no better way of getting connected at Southlands than joining a Community Group!
Join a Serve Team: Sunday mornings at Southlands give people an opportunity to meet with God. It would not be possible without our amazing team of volunteers who share their time and talents with us every week. Joining a serve team is also a great opportunity to get to know others better, build relationships, and grow in your faith.
Do you offer anything for kids?
Yes! Southlands Kids is for children from infants to 6th grade every Sunday morning.
We also host our Backyard Bible Club VBS every summer!
What about youth?
Yes again! Our Southlands Youth (7th-12th grade) meets every Thursday night at 6:30, at Southlands Brea located at 2950 E. Imperial Hwy, Brea 92821.
CommUNITY Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
We gather in small groups throughout the week.
This is a great way to build relationships, study God’s Word, and share meals together.
This is a great way to build relationships, study God’s Word, and share meals together.